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Sleep/Wake Button - CAD Development - Honours Blog 38

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

A couple of days ago, I noticed a mistake with part of the product. In short, the Sleep/Wake button wouldn't fit, so I had to go back to the drawing board to redesign it. The new rough sketch development can be read about here, and the more in-depth sketches can be read about here.

In this blog, I'll be going over the CAD development of the button, talking about any last-minute tweaks that had to be made before finalising the design.

I knew that for the button to work correctly, it would have to take up as little space possible on the bars of the bike. My initial design (pictured below) was designed to mimic control already on most motorbikes, so users would find it intuitive and easy to use. What I failed to consider, however, is that it wouldn't fit. I planned on having it fit on the left-hand side of the bars, as the throttle is on the right, but I completely forgot that's where the indicator, lights, and horn controls are situated.

So, with this design being too big, the final design would need to be far smaller. There are a few benefits to having it smaller, however. For one; it will fit, but having it take up less room means it can be attached to more locations on the handlebars. If the left isn't the most comfortable for the rider, and they'd rather have it in the middle, the new design will be far more likely to accommodate that. Anyway, enough talking about it. Here are the renders:

So this design is smaller, a lot smaller, than the previous one. It's only 1.5cm wide. This means, however, there can only be one button on it, unlike earlier designs with a couple of buttons on. This doesn't limit it to only one feature, though. The primary function while riding will be one click to sleep notifications, and one-click to wake them again. But in the future, if more features were to be added to the kit, there could be a multifunctional interface, such as click and hold to pair a phone etc. For this design, I've only included the sleep/wake feature in the interface.

So that's it! That the redesign of the button complete. Going forward, I'm going to be creating more realistic renders and photoshops to give a more realistic idea of the Sleep/Wake button, but I'll post them in a big summary blog.

That's all for this blog,


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