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Sleep/Wake Button - Development - Honours Blog 36

Updated: May 4, 2020

Unfortunately, a few days ago, I noticed an issue with the sleep button concept I was going to roll with. I had styled it to replicate the engine cut off switch from a motorbike, a function all bikers are familiar with. My thinking was if I take inspiration from the cut off switch on the right of the bike, bikers will understand how to use the sleep button on the left of the bike easily, understanding whether it's on or off.

Engine Kill Switch

My Design for the Quick Access Button

However, I completely forgot to take into account the bike control block - a unit on the left-hand side of the bar that houses controls such as the indicators, lights and horn. This means that my design for the sleep button will no longer work, so will need to be adapted.

To fix this issue, I went back to the drawing board to produce some rough sketches of where I thought the button would fit best. Taking inspiration from existing handlebar accessories, I sat down and got to work.

Going forward, I'm going to pull a few of my favourite sketches from this page and develop them further, going into more detail and breaking down exactly how it'll work.

That's all for this blog,


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