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HUD - Rough Sketches and Renders - Honours Blog 31

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

Despite what all the recent blog posts might lead you to believe, the Bike Kit isn't the only part of this project. There's the Quick Access button, which current progress can be read about here, and the HUD (heads up display) which attached to the helmet.

The HUD is going to be where all the information is fed back to the rider. I want the product to be sleek, matching well with the Bike Kit, and only display the necessary amount of information; being when you're in a blind spot and in a blind spot for a dangerous amount of time.

To get my head around the shape of the HUD, I printed off some helmet kits currently on the market, stuck them in my sketchbook and used them to pull inspiration from.

As I've mentioned in a previous blog - I find it challenging to take rough sketches, build upon them and turn them into development sketches without taking my ideas to a CAD software first. I find getting an idea of the physical shape, how it appears from different angles allows me to understand it better, meaning that a more in-depth sketch development can take place afterwards. So that's exactly what I did. I picked out three different designs (not necessarily the final ones) and took to CAD to see how they faired.

Please bear in mind that these aren't final renders, they allow me to figure out the product before taking it to further sketch development. When the time comes for further development in a CAD software, there will be more renders, with and without a helmet for exact sized, different materials and a bit more effort included. I like each render for different reasons. The first and second products aren't too big. I feel it's essential for the HUD, similarly to the Bike Kit, to be as unobtrusive as possible, while being aesthetically pleasing enough as a stand-alone product. The size will be an important factor in this. If a product is too bulk and overbearing, it will create an imbalance in the overall visual appearance of the bike and product and look seriously out of place. Even though the 3rd render is quite a bit bigger than the first two, it does come with the added ability of further adjustment. A hinge at the front of the HUD would allow the rider to set an appropriate angle for maximum visibility, while not impairing their view of the road ahead. Going forward I'm going to take some designs into further sketch development, then back into CAD to get a closer idea of the final shape and size. After this, I'll make the final adjustments to ensure it works the best it can. That's all for today's blog, Thanks!

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