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An Update on the Button - Honours Blog 19

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

In the days leading up to working from home, I managed to get a bit more work done on the 'Sleep/Wake', the hub of the user interface for this project.

After creating a few different CAD renders - available to see here - I put in two of the designs for 3D print. The plan was to print more, but I only had time to print two, so here they are!

1 - The Original Design (please excuse the poor photo quality. These are taken on my phone in my flat).

The idea behind this one was the 'Sleep/Wake' feature will be controlled by the centre button; the easiest to access and switch while riding. The switches around the side would be reserved for volume if sound was used, and other features such as Bluetooth connectivity. These buttons were made out of the way and smaller as these features wouldn't be as important when riding.

2 - 'The Kill Switch.' Designed to replicate the engine cut off switch from the righthand grip of a motorbike, this button only comes with the 'Sleep/Wake' feature and made to fit snugly to the left-hand grip, bringing symmetry to the motorbikes controls. An engine kill switch has already been designed to be easily accessible, quick to use in an emergency and easy to understand. I decided to replicate this button for the use of quickly shutting down the notification side of the blind spot detection when the rider finds it's distracting or confusing.

Unfortunately, these are the only two of the designs I was able to get to print before our art school closed, but I will continue to develop their design and worst-case try and make a prototype out of cardboard.

That's all for this blog. I will post more throughout the day on other aspects of the blind spot kit.


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