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Working From Home - COVID 19 Update

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

Throughout the next few blogs, I'm going to backtrack and summaries some of the work that I've carried out over the last week. Due to COVID-19, our university studios have been closed, and we've been advised to work from home. As most of our resources are inside the University, the outcomes of our projects will change. They won't be up to the usual high standard that is typically expected of a graduating class. Instead of creating a high fidelity prototype, we've been asked to develop (as best we can) our final models out of cardboard, as well as producing CAD renders and other online material. So far everything is due for the same hand in (beginning of May), but that might well change. We have also still got to prepare for our MK2 presentations, which are still being held on the 30/31 of March. These presentations were meant for showing a slightly more developed prototype from our MK1's, but this can't be expected anymore as we haven't got access to any of the resources. Before leaving the University, I did a bit of a recce of the art school, finding random supplies and cardboard that we think we might need. Things aren't clear at the moment, but I will continue to update this blog with all the work I am doing, even though it won't have the same outcome as I had hoped. None of this change can be blamed on the University, and no one has dealt with a situation like this, so I plan to carry on working, keep pushing and hopefully produce something reasonably decent given the circumstance. That's all for this blog. I will be posting more throughout the day on progress made before the uni shut down, and hopefully, some progress made when working from home. Thanks, Jamie.

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