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What the Hell Am I Interested In? - Honours Blog 2

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

What the hell am I interested in? Well, apparently nothing. Obviously, that's not true, but every time someone over the last few days has asked in a bid to help me come up with an honours project, my mind has gone blank. It's just like sitting down in a new class for the first time. "Say your name, age and a fun fact about yourself" the teacher would say. "I'm Jamie, I'm 21..." and then mind blank. The more you think, the less you can remember. To become interesting again, I decided to write down all interests I've ever had, from home-film making to fitness & sport, if I'd even attempted it I wrote it down. Doing this helped me realise I'm not quite as dull as I'd let myself believe - over the years I've done TONNES of activities, but one that shone through more than any was my love for two-wheeled transport. From a young age I'd always been into scootering, BMXing, cycling, briefly downhill mountain biking and now - against my better judgement and all the advice from my Mum - I've moved on to motorbikes.

My stepbrother (standing) and I (in blue) back in 2012
My motorbike out on its first ride only a few weeks ago

Because of this life long interest with two wheels, I feel that this is probably the best and most sensible route to travel down when designing an honours project. I still have no idea what I'm going to design, but at least having a general area narrows this down a bit. Hopefully, the next blog will be slightly more inspiring. Thanks for reading!

Cover photo image:

Proimos, A. (2012) The Australian Biker. Available at: (Accessed: 03/10/2019).

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