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Welcome to The Blog

Updated: May 4, 2020

Hi, and welcome to my 4th-year blog. Chances are - if you've stumbled across this page - that you have absolutely no idea who I am, so in this post, I'm going to tell you a wee bit about myself, why I'm writing this blog and any other information I think might be interesting or useful.

So first off, I'm Jamie. I'm a Product Design student at the University of Dundee and have just started the final, and no doubt the most stressful year of my course. This year only consists of two final hand-ins; a dissertation and an honours project, both of which I'll be writing about here.

So why product design? Well if I'm brutally honest, I had no idea what else to choose at university. I was always pretty good at product design in school but had zero clue if that was the course I wanted to specialise in for another four years. I wasn't even sure if uni was for me. Being dyslexic, I'd never really got the hang of writing essays, reports, even blogs, and I knew that all of this came by the bucket load when you start studying. But after much deliberation, I decided to apply for one course (product design) at one art school (DJCAD), and if I got in, I'd give it my best shot. Well, here I am, entering my 4th year and able to say with confidence that coming to university was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Anyway, enough about me and more about why this blog even exists. For our 4th-year honours project, the best way for tutors to be able to keep up with all 30 people on the course is through reading our blogs. The idea is that we post everything from our thinking to our prototyping to our eventual nervous breakdown through to our final hand-in. As well as this, I'll be posting about my dissertation work, including all the research and any other interesting stuff I find out along the way. My goal is to post around twice a week, not always about the honours project or even dissertation work. Still, if I find an article or just a random fact that is fun or interesting, I'll pretend that people actually read this blog and post it here for everyone to see. With that, I'll wrap up this post. Thank you for visiting my site - even if it was by accident - and hopefully you're intrigued enough to pop back. Thanks!

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