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Introducing the Email - Honours Blog 45

And there we have it - the development of the email is finally complete. This is arguably one of the most essential parts to the blind spot detection kit, as it provides the user with all of the data from their journey. From % of time spent in blinds spots, average reaction time and journey length, the email summarises all the stats collected by the Bike Kit and even includes tips and tricks to avoid getting caught out in the future. The email has been designed taking inspiration from infographics. The reason behind this is to keep the users' attention concentrated on the data collected, rather than providing a dull and mundane email that the user will forget about quickly. Below I have attached a copy of the full email, plus how it would appear on a users phone.

Overall I'm pretty pleased with the outcome of this part of the product, despite not being a graphic or UX designer. Realising that infographic design would lend itself to this part of the project over email design was a big breakthrough for me. I had the work email stuck in my head, so every time I went to research, I was only ever focusing on one avenue of design. Taking inspiration from infographics opened up creative restraints for me and allowed me to produce what you see above. I've decided to write all the essential information in the coloured bubbles for a few reasons. First, I wanted to draw the user in, and having bright bursts of colour on top on a greyscale background does that. The user's eye is automatically drawn the statistics collected from the bike kit and makes it easy for the user to summaries their journey. The second is, I wanted the email to be quickly summarised. If the user doesn't want to spend time reading into each stat, or they've been using the kit for some time, they have the chance to glance over the summary, and read all the data they need quickly.

And there we have it! That's the Summary Email. Overall I'm pretty pleased with how this part has turned out given that I'm not a graphic or UX designer. I'm pretty disappointed that I never got the chance to make it fully functional, but given everything going on at the moment I'm still happy with what I've got.

Thank you for reading!

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