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Forget Everything I've Said So Far - Honours Blog 13

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

Ok so don't forget everything, but I have changed my idea a wee bit. I've decided to flip my concept from the back to the front of the bike.

Originally my idea was a kit for bikers to detect when drivers were sitting in their blind spots, but now I'm hoping to switch that idea round to the front of the bike to notify bikers when they're sitting in a cars blind spot. I want this to go some way towards teaching the 'bubble technique' a technique taught in advanced rider training. Car drivers don't look out enough for bikers; in fact, around 30% of motorbike accidents that include a car happen away from junctions and travelling with the flow of traffic. What's more, is that a further 14% occur when the vehicle is trying to overtake the motorbike!

The bubble technique is the name given to when a biker builds space between them and the cars next to them, constantly staying aware of their surroundings and ultimately creating a safety bubble around them on the road.

I've already spoken to a few bikers about this change in the idea - and so far it's only been positive feedback. Now I need to press on and try and develop the concept into a working concept.

I've arranged a meeting with a Computing, Science and Engineering lecturer who has said they can help me with my idea, so let's hope that works out well!

That's all for today; I'll try to write as much about the development of this idea as I can.


Cover Photo Image: Phu, T. (2017) People Walking on the Road Between Buildings. Available at: (Accessed: 26/02/2020).

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