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Welcome Back - Honours Blog 9

Jamie Burton

Updated: May 4, 2020

Welcome back and a Happy New Year. Hopefully, this year will be slightly more productive than last, but only time will tell. Since last year there hasn't been much development on the honours project front. The dissertation has been written, proofread, edited, proofread again, designed, proofread again in case and finally submitted. It's hard to get back into the groove of things once you submit a dissertation. I spent pretty much every day over the Christmas break working on it and now that its submitted its straight back to honours project work. Oh well, here we go. In just short of a month, I have to give a presentation of my first prototypes. They can be low fidelity, sketches, not working correctly etc. but I have to have something. I have 26 days(ish) to get my act together and have prototypes to show. I'm still planning on designing a blind spot sensor kit for motorbikes, and to start prototyping I'm planning on buying a parking sensor kit for cars. This way I'll have 4-8 high-quality sensors, a CPU and all I need to do is figure out a way to run this first prototype of the mains rather than from a car battery. A car/bike battery is usually around 12 volts, and the mains electricity is 230 volts, so I'll need to get a 12v transformer to run the power from the mains. I'll try and update as much as possible through each stage of my prototyping because I know you're all interested, and because I get marked on this. That's all for now, Thanks.

Cover Photo Image:

Harley Davidson. (2019) Man Riding Motorcycle. Available at: (Accessed:31/01/2020).

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