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Here Goes The Dissertation - Dissertation Blog 1

Jamie Burton

Updated: Nov 6, 2019

So far I've only used this blog for writing about honour project related topics. The honours project isn't the only submission I have this year, I also have to hand in a 7000 word dissertation.

The dissertation module I've found myself in is Communication Futures, which is about - yep, you guessed it - forms of communication in the future. For this dissertation we get a choice of three different writing types; research report, essay or a journalistic piece.

As a dyslexic and someone who couldn't think of anything worse than trying to write a sensible 7000 words I've decided to opt for the journalistic style as I can write informally, structure it far more how I want it and carry out more relaxed research than say the research report structure.

Even though I've chosen this writing style because it's more 'relaxed' doesn't actually mean its going to be chill process. I still have to carry out research, I still have to Harvard reference all of my references and meet the journalistic criteria of the dissertation.

Now since the I'd love to move into the film & TV industry when I (hopefully) graduate university I've decided to lean my dissertation towards this, especially since my honours project is about motorbikes...

After working for HBO Asia for a couple months over summer I've taken a very strong interest in the phycology behind film, and how directors can get you to feel and think they way they want you to.

I want to research deeper into how music can add a third dimension to film and TV - how it can make you feel excited or sad, on edge or relaxed and how just by changing the music on two identical scenes can portray a totally different message to the viewer.

I'd also like to look into how music can decide how we interact with brands. Take the McDonalds whistle for example, I can't whistle through a blog post but theres a 99% chance you know exactly what I'm on about. This whistle is joyful, short and super memorable, keeping the McDonalds brand firmly cemented in our minds. If 'I'm lovin' it' came up on our screens along with a loud high pitched scream we'd probably end up avoid McDonald's all together. In fact, the whistle has become so iconic in our day and age the branding team could just stick up a black screen with just the whistle play and almost everyone would be able to associate sound and brand within a split second.

So far I've conducted quite a lot of desk research, but I plan on getting in contact with people in industry and getting real world opinions and information. Theres no better way to gain information than going directly to the source, rather than just reading of websites. By speaking to people you can ask follow-up questions, clarify points, get a personal touch to my research.

And thats where I'll leave this blog. Even though I don't have to post my dissertation work here I've decided I'm going to anyway, I think to think of it as thinking out loud.

If you're enjoying my blogs or just want to keep up to date because you haven't got a clue what I'm on about please do consider subscribing, and if you wish to get in contact with me you can do so here.

Cover Photo Image:

N/A. (2015) Writing. Available at: (Accessed:27/10/2019).

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